The Vossen Family
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Josh's 10th b-day
For Josh's 10th birthday we surprized him with a trip to Kalahari Indoor Waterpark in Sandusky Ohio. We took a boy from church along. Everyone had a really great time. Josh thanked us for the "best birthday ever!!!"
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Josh's arm is doing great!

Well, Josh has had his cast off for two weeks now. Because baseball is upon us, Josh has started physical therapy. He really like the therapists, Debbie and Nate. He had his first baseball practice yesterday, and he did very well. They did not do any batting yet, which I think Josh was grateful. He seems a bit nervous of how that is going to feel. As you can see by this picture, which was really taken a couple days after the cast was removed...(he still has a removable splint on)...he is back to his old self!!!! Thank you for praying for him, the therapist is very impressed with his progress, and it looks like he will have a good baseball season. But I guess we'll try out for pitcher next year.
Bree is going to Ghana

We were visiting a church that was a likely candidate for us to join, when we spoke to the Youth Pastor about the Youth mission trip this summer to Ghana. He was telling us all about it, and even though it was really just a "polite conversation", I still remember thinking how awesome it was for them to be able to reach so many souls though vacation bible school. And I even thought, too bad Bree isn't able to go on a trip like that! We didn't even know if we were for sure going to return to that church. But when we got in the car, I said to Todd, "It would be great for Bree to be able to go on that trip." and he said he was thinking about it too. So he told me, lets pray about it every day and see what God will do. Well, I talked to Bree, and she hadn't even considered it a possibility for this year, but she agreed to pray about it every day. And that she did! She prayed fervently that God would show her what he would have her to do, and she said that everywhere in her devotions and readings, she felt like God was showing her that later or no was not an option. I can only tell you, but I can't really explain I saw Bree really yielding to the Holy Spirit during this time. For the first time I saw my little girl as a woman, a godly woman who truly was seeking to please the Lord. I saw in her eyes the understanding and even the nervous acceptance that this short term mission trip was really going to change her life forever. I am very grateful to the Lord that he would chose to use her, and that she so gladly said "yes"! Several years ago, I promised the Lord....that I would never stand between Him and my kids, even if it meant I might never see them again. I am grateful for this opportunity to prove that to Him. I am more grateful than I can could have been so different for Bree. I wasn't even a Christian when I had her. I could've never came to Christ, or never taken her to church. She could've grown up to be a completely different person! A person without Jesus. I see people her age all the time, lost people, saved, kids from Christian families, and unsaved in the world, living for the worlds trappings, and it is so sad. It is only by the grace of God that this sweet young woman desires to be a vessel of righteousness, a servant for Jesus Christ. God has blessed me beyond my wildest expectations! And I praise Him! To God be all the glory, He did this in Bree! Please pray for Bree, for this trip that she will be making in August, and for the souls of the children in Ghana. But please continue to pray for her always...that she will always say "yes" to God!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
February and March" quality="high" salign="lt" width="426" height="320" wmode="transparent" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""/>
Monday, January 29, 2007
Now we have some snow!!!
Dan and Todd went out to play in the snow.
Bree...our little snow bunny!
The Krause's came over to see Josh when they heard about his broken arm, Bree, Jake, Ashley, and Hanna had alot of fun in the snow.
What a good sister...Bree made a snowball and stood there while Josh threw it at her, since he missed out on all the fun.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Joshie broke his arm :(
Yesterday while at wrestling practice, Josh and another kid were practicing hitting "switches" and Josh's arm was stuck underneath while his body kept going.

Me and Josh took the ambulance ride to the hospital, where they tried to make him comfortable in the emergency room.

He is doing a little better today, but still in a lot of pain.

He has to sit up straight to let gravity help align the bones correctly.

These pictures are from today, the day after. Josh is on some strong medicine for the pain, but still can manage to smile, and is trying to relax a little bit.

THIS IS NOT JOSH'S ARM!!! But I found this x-ray on the internet . Josh's Break looks exactly like this.It is a bad break, but in a place, and in a way that will heal really well.

He most likely will not need surgery, and will probably be in a cast for 4 to 5 weeks. Please pray for our brave little wrestler!